OSLO (MaaS) data standard

In 2012, the Flemish ICT organisation (V-ICT-OR) launched the Open Standards for Local Authorities initiative. Here the basis was laid for an open semantic information standard. With the support of the Flemish government, this project was later renamed Open Standards for Linking-Organisations (OSLO). The goal of OSLO is to ensure more coherence and a better findability of data. In this way everyone can use the data more easily. In 2019 an OSLO trajectory was started for data of shared mobility and MaaS.

Through this initiative, the various stakeholders within shared mobility (both public and private) wish to model the various data flows semantically and to standardise the structure of the data. The (sub)mobility vocabulary will be brought in line with current (international) standards and enriched where relevant. Objective one is to unlock the shared mobility data as Linked Open Data and to define standard interfaces (APIs) in order to facilitate collaboration and integration of the different services and tools. Objective 2 is to make the data easily reusable for all stakeholders.


A semantic standard makes it easier to share and exchange data between different stakeholders. Each stakeholder can directly use and interpret the data. This stimulates the exchange and reuse of data and reduces the cost of exchange. In the semantic web, data is distributed in a different way so that the AI driven machines and digital gatekeepers of the future (such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant...) can use and interpret the data (machine-readable data). The exchange of data for shared mobility is important on the one hand to enable the integration of subsystems in MaaS offerings and on the other hand to be able to check if the conditions of the licence models are correctly respected.

In addition, Europe wants to digitally link the European mobility landscape by means of national access points for each Member State. To this end, the EU Member States should develop a common standard and interface so that mobility within Europe can be made interoperable. It must become a portal bringing together all public and private mobility data. Flanders will set up a Flemish mobility centre for this purpose and the OSLO standard will play an important role in this respect. Finally, with its vision on 'basic accessibility', the Department MOW wants to focus on maximum accessibility of important social locations, such as business parks, schools, hospitals and shopping centres. An important aspect of this is the linking of mobility options.





WORKSHOPS applicatieprofiel Mobiliteit: Trips en Aanbod:

A Github folder was also created where useful resources (documents, existing standards, taxonomies, etc.) for this trajectory can be shared.


RESULTS applicatieprofiel Mobiliteit: Trips en Aanbod

On 28 January 2020, a feedback moment took place during which the candidate standard was presented (see presentation). This review period was until 31 March 2020. 

A closing webinar was foresee on 9 April 10-12h:

  • The presentation can be found here 
  • The webinar can be viewed via this link
  • Via this link the press release

Via these links the Flemish MaaS API's: