Technical harmonisation

On this page you can find a short overview of key standardisation initiatives for MaaS.

More information on this topic has been discussed during the ITS webinar of 16 Dec 2020:

Participants list, audio file, slides

A follow-up meeting was organised on 15 Dec 2021 in close cooperation with Digitaal Vlaanderen:

Participants list, audio file, slides



Flemish MaaS API (OSLO):

In 2019 an OSLO (Open Standards for Linking-Organisations) trajectory was started for data of shared mobility and MaaS. Through this initiative, the various stakeholders within shared mobility modelled the various data flows semantically and standardised the structure of the data. The (sub)mobility vocabulary was developed in line with current (international) standards and enriched where relevant. You can read all information about this process via this link.

Via these links the Flemish MaaS API's (in Dutch):


The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a data specification that allows public transport operators to publish their transit data in a format that can be consumed by a wide variety of software applications. Today, the GTFS data format is used by thousands of public transport providers.

GTFS is split into a static component that contains schedule, fare, and geographic transit information and a real-time component that contains arrival predictions, vehicle positions and service advisories.

The GTFS datasets of the 4 Belgian PTO's can be found via this link.

GTFS-R is a feed specification that allows the PTO to provide real-time updates to application developers. It is an extension to GTFS.


GBFS (General Bikeshare Feed Specification) and MDS (Mobility Data Specification) are two open standards used for expressing information about bikes, scooters, and other shared (micro) mobility vehicles operating on public streets. GBFS is intended for public consumption through consumer-facing applications, while MDS is intended for use only by regulators. GBFS is governed by MobilityData and NABSA. MDS is managed by the Open Mobility Foundation. More information about the difference can be found hereGBFS Version 2 was released in March 2020.


DATEX II is the electronic language used in Europe for the exchange of traffic information and traffic data.

Transmodel, NeTEx and Siri:

Transmodel, the Reference Public Transport Data Model, is technology independent: it refers to the conceptual level of data. NeTEx, is the standard implementation of parts of Transmodel representing the planned (static) information and providing standard data formats for data exchanges using Transmodel data structures. SIRI is based on Transmodel and concerns dynamic information. More information via this link.


The TOMP-API (Transport Operator to Mobility Provider-Application Programming Interface) is a standardised and technical interface between MaaS providers and mobility providers in which they agree on the way in which they share data with each other, for example on how many shared bikes are available at a given time. More information can be found via Open github


An overview that includes some specific national initiatives can be found here (initiative of the European MaaS Alliance).


Relevant developments & contacts:

Chair: Elsa Bruyère - La Fabrique des Mobilités (FabMob)
Heidi Guenin  -
MobilityData governs the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and, more recently, the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) (Canadian) &


Important contacts in the 3 regions and on the Federal level:
De Lijn:

Department MOW:
Brussels Mobility: 
FPS Mobility and Transport: