Join this unique public-private mobility network!
- We 1.3 10-12h - Bike data
- We 8.3 10-12h – MaaS all-hands
- We 15.3 General Assembly @ city of Liège
- Th 23.3 10-12h - Data-driven policies for electromobility
- We 19.4 10-12h - Towards a code of conduct for MaaS
- Th 8.6 10-12h - C-ITS deployment: interregional co-operation
- We 14.6 10-12h - Latest in road user charging
- We 21.6 14-16h - Seamless ticketing & payment
- We 4.10 congress (Bluepoint building Brussels)
- We 15.11 10-12h - Data-driven policies for electromobility
- We 22.11 10-12h - MaaS all-hands
- We 13.12 10-12h - Multimodal hubs & the NAP