Who we are

ITS explained

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) refer to new, public and private services that enable the transition toward sustainable mobility.

ITS services play out across all mobility domains, such as traffic management (including pedestrian and bicycle support), goods transport, public transport and shared mobility, parking and electromobility, police and rescue services, the automotive domain as well as leasing-insurance-assistance and taxation.

Linking these services helps us move towards Mobility as a Service (MaaS), thereby eliminating unsustainable external effects associated with current mobility patterns.


About ITS.be

ITS.be is a public-private not-for-profit that seeks to accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility in Belgium.

ITS.be combines advice and support to individual companies and authorities with:

  • Information: newsletters and website including ITS solutions catalog
  • Collaboration: public-private working groups, workshops, webinars and annual congress
  • Projects: market-enabling projects at local and EU level
  • Policy support: support for the development of ITS action plans at all policy levels.

The membership represents a critical mass of public and private stakeholders such as federal, regional and urban authorities, service providers, map makers, telecom operators and industry, as well as academic and research institutions.



Priorities legislature

These are the focal point for local, regional & federal governments 2024-2029 (2030 for local):

Memorandum 2024


ITS and open data

Open data - public information digitally available to all stakeholders -  is a key component for the successful deployment of ITS services. 

The EU has taken regulatory action to force public stakeholders to publish a wide range of open data - and this in all mobility domains.

ITS.be is helping public stakeholders to meet these obligations in a pro-active way and in line with private sector expectations, based on the outcome of the Vlaio-sponsored ITS-VIS project.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for support on how to incorporate open data in mobility plans, concessions and calls for tender, as the Brussels Capital Region, the cities of Hasselt, Gent, Kortrijk, Leuven, Namur, Roeselare, Kuurne and Oostende, as well as the province of Limburg have already done.


Some open data examples




Truck parking data

With its members, ITS.be has developed an overall ITS architecture that shows how ITS services, data and technologies will co-exist

Common vision

ITS.be is helping federal, regional and city authorities make ambitious ITS action plans that are fully integrated in future mobility plans

Action plans

On behalf of its members, ITS.be helps to set targets and makes detailed recommendations for the federal and regional legislatures

Policy input

ITS.be provides support on the application of standards, license models and quality control

Increased ITS competences

ITS.be is providing key common components for tenders, and is working towards common modular tender documents for ITS

Common tender documents

ITS.be has helped make legislation for key services such as a national law as well as executive orders for eCall

Legal frameworks

ITS.be has been instrumental in the deployment of important ITS services, such as road charging for trucks

Market breakthroughs

ITS.be chairs all Belgian mirror committees to CEN TC 278 and ISO TC 204

Standardisation support